www.chelifer.com - chelifer English 10p coin
  Scientific and Natural History Publications Childrens books Sussex Beekeeping Natura Imaging - images for sale Pseudoscorpions Marine

Some more images using the e400 with close up lens combinations previously used on my OM2n but with a triple stalked light guide built to take the pop-up flash to the subject.


Click on a thumbnail image to get a larger image. Larger images for use through payment can be obtained from Gerald Legg.

Print on a Fujifilm box, "1:1" Vivitar 90.
Print on a Fujifilm box, 2X at "1:1" Vivitar 90
UK 1 pence piece crown; 2X converter on Vivitar 90 set 1:1.
UK 10 pence coin with Britania; Vivitar 90 set 1:1.
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